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Infinite Health Centers

Farm Fresh Eggs, Pick Up Only

Regular price $5.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $5.00 USD
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Farm Fresh Free Range Eggs Assorted colors because the breeds are different BUT taste the same for FRESH eggs. 

People are usually shocked when they learn the differences between store-bought eggs and local farm-fresh eggs… Here are 3 quick facts for ya!
1. There are numerous studies proving that farm fresh eggs are more nutritious than store-bought.
Not only do they tend to have less saturated fat and cholesterol, but they are higher in omega-3 fatty acids along with vitamins A, D, E, and beta-carotene as a result of a free range diet!
These are important nutrients that many people are currently deficient in - something that store bought eggs can't help with!
2. Most industrial egg farms keep hens in tiny cages and are not let outside.
The craziest thing? Even commercial egg companies that use “Cage Free”, “Free-Range” or “Vegetarian” labeling still keep their hens enclosed.
It’s usually a marketing strategy to convince consumers that their eggs are similar to free range.
The eggs we sell at Handmade come from hens that have numerous acres to roam.
3. If you’ve never seen the difference in the yolk color, google it!
Store-bought eggs have a very light colored yolk, resulting in little flavor, nutrients, etc.
However, if you crack open a local egg, you’ll find a dark yellow - almost orange - yolk that is packed with flavor!
Most people are pleasantly surprised to find out how delicious an egg can be when raised the way nature intended.
FRESH, Local, organic, and pasture-raised eggs are available every week. We do our best to educate everyone on the benefits of local and hope you will give these a try!

Our Laying hens sure know their job and they do it well! We collect each day so you get the most FRESH eggs! These girls are raised on a Non-GMO Feed which you'll definitely taste the difference over store bought eggs. They have daily access to a wide-open chicken yard, and they take full advantage of it everyday all day. We do not wash our eggs and they are stored at room temperature. All of our chickens are antibiotic, hormone, and steroid FREE.

***DO NOT CHOOSE SHIP, must be picked up at the office***

How we store our  farm fresh eggs matters!

As an egg travels through the hens oviduct calcium forms around the yolk and albumen as it travels the egg rotates causing eggs to have a blunt end and a more pointed end. The aircell is located at the blunt end of the egg between the shell membrane and the egg membrane. When you store your eggs with the blunt end down in the carton the aircell begins to lift up
bringing bacteria in contact with the yolk. Over time the heavy contents of the egg weigh on that aircell eventually causing it to rupture spreading bacteria through the egg. When you store your eggs with the pointy end down in the carton the aircell remains at the top of the egg. With the yolk centered and the more alkaline albumen as a cushion between the aircell and the egg yolk bacteria is less likely to grow and contaminate your egg. Your eggs are also less likely to get broken in the carton when stored pointy end down as the pointy end of the egg makes less contact with the carton and is stronger than the blunt end. Storing our farm fresh eggs pointy end down in the carton keeps them fresher for longer.